My eldest son, Daniel, was born in Northern Virginia (Arlington) in 2007. By 2009, my wife and I had moved to North Mississippi. One of our first Christmases in our home in Tupelo just also happened to coincide with a white Christmas. This relative rarity made quite an impression on Daniel — he expected all Christmases to be white and has been disappointed more often than not ever since.

Like much of the rest of the eastern half of the country, we are plunged into quite a Christmas cold snap. We hit single digits this morning at my house (wind chills below zero) and will likely flirt with the same tonight. I’ve got my outside faucets covered, my cabinet doors open and my sinks trickling. We had a pipe burst during a cold snap last winter, and I’m sweating it out and hoping to avoid a repeat occurrence.
Despite the cold, looks like we won’t be having a white Christmas this year. But my boys made the most of the cold by trying the “toss a cup of water and watch it freeze in mid-air” trick tonight. If nothing else, we’ll chalk it up to a learning experience during the holiday break from school.
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