COVID-19 certainly has played a part (pun intended) in my theater experience here in Starkville. If you recall, my breakthrough case of COVID in August 2021 (during the “delta variant” surge) delayed rehearsals and pushed back production of “Smoke on the Mountain.” Well, the pandemic reminded me that it is still very much alive and well in December 2022.
Despite twice getting COVID boosters (last one was back in April 2022), I still wound up getting sick as the virus worked its way through my fellow cast members (and assistant director) for “Sanders Family Christmas” during its run last week. After six strong shows, several of us tested positive, and the final two shows had to be cancelled.

As a performer, not only do I hate to not perform material (acting, playing and singing) that my castmates and I have worked so hard to memorize (and harmonize), but I hate to let down people who were planning to come to the weekend shows. But one thing I have loved through the whole experience — having my family involved in the production. My younger two sons helped to paint the set, my wife made repairs on my costume and my eldest son ran lights/sound for all the dress rehearsals and performances. A family friend (and community college English instructor) who attended one of the performances said that Daniel’s work was “spot on.” I do appreciate a good pun . . . .

Bravo! How much I treasure this show and that it brought you into the SCT family. Get better soon.